The best way to improve as a writer, or whatever else it is you love to do, is to learn as much as you possibly can, and then try it out. Practice new ideas, new strategies, and find out what works for you. 

The more inputs you receive the more likely you will be to find the one that works for you. When my wife was pregnant with our first child, everyone and their dog gave us advice. How to prepare for the child, ideas on how to raise them, and treat them. I’ll be honest, a lot of the advice I quickly ignored, because it didn’t feel right for me. 

Now that I’ve had three kids, I’ve learned something super important. Every child is different and they all need to be treated the way it works for them.

When it comes to writing your stories are the same way. Seek advice from as many sources as possible. One of my favorites is Pinterest. There are a million and a half articles to help you improve your writing, whether it’s character development, world building, or general writing rules. 

Just like I discovered with my children, you might find that your stories need to be written differently. So here’s some articles I’ve found on Pinterest that I found valuable. 

Hit it hard this week and get some amazing writing in. This week I plan on making some good progress on my story while my wife is out of town. 


“Never Forget to remain a student while you teach others.” B.B. King

More Words: 

Book Review: Free The Darkness: Kel Kade (One of my favorite books)

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