I love creating magic systems, and I love helping other people develop their magic systems. I put together this list to help you brainstorm what you magic system can and can’t do.
- Where does magic come from?
- Does magic come from within?
- Is magic a resource?
- Can magic run out?
- If it runs out does it naturally replinish?
- What determines the strength of your magic?
- What limits your magic?
- Are there spells of various magnitude?
- Does magic deplete a persons physical strength?
- Is magic found inside living creatures/people?
- Can you access the magic within other living things?
- Is magic use verbal or written?
- Are there time constraints for casting spells?
- Does magic require sacrifice?
- Who can perform magic in your world?
- Does magic have to be learned?
- Are people born with magic?
- When do magical abilities manifest themselves?
- Are there places to learn magic?
- How long does a person spend at school learning magic?
- Are there levels of magic users? Master, novice, journeymen?
- Do magical abilities manifest differently in men and women?
- Is magic an ancient tradition?
- Has magic been lost and recently rediscovered?
- Did the gods give magic to mankind?
- How did people come up with spells? Trial and Error?
- Does magic require artifacts?
- Can objects be given magic?
- Does artifacts lose magical potency?
- Can anyone use a magical artifact, or does it require a magic user?
- Is magic inherently good or evil?
- Do the people in your world fear/love/respect magic?
- Are magic wielders paid for services?
- Are magical people identifiable by a physical trait?
- Does the government keep track of magic?
- Does magic rule people?
- Can you control people with magic?
- Do people need to recharge before using magic?
- Are there colors associated with magic?
- Are there magical creatures?
- Can magic be taken from someone?
- Are magic users of a specific bloodline?
- What benefits does magic give someone?
- Are people changed by their use of magic? Physical strengthened, mental enlightenment?
- Can magic be stored to use later?
- Is magic transferable from person to person?
- Is magic practiced differently throughout the world?
- Does magic have a spiritual connection?
- Is magic tied to the elements?
- Are magical discoveries taking place?